What are the 3 p's of good customer service?

People, product and process are the main ingredients for delivering an exceptional customer experience. The three P's of customer service are the product, the process, and the people.

What are the 3 p's of good customer service?

People, product and process are the main ingredients for delivering an exceptional customer experience. The three P's of customer service are the product, the process, and the people. All three are critical to creating a positive experience for customers. In fact, it is imperative to see people, processes and products as a system in which each of the parts depends on the previous one.

Basing your people, your processes and your products on a coworking space like Bond Collective. To avoid this, creating a professional customer service environment involves empowering your employees as much as supporting your customers. However, despite her attitude and her loud voice, she kept calm and accompanied her to the customer service desk of the store, assuring her throughout the walk that she would receive a check for the rain and that they would give her the sale price once the item was back in stock. In addition to being flexible, exceptional customer service isn't the same for everyone, and every customer is unique.

Consequently, a second way to include patience in service guidelines is to allow customers to move at their own pace. In the end, because the delicatessen manager was so cool and realistic, the customer visibly relaxed and left the store with the problem solved. Generally speaking, if professionalism is the basis of a good customer service strategy, patience is like the framework. If a customer is upset about a product, an experience with an employee, or simply the situation at hand, it can be easy to become defensive and respond to their complaints with the same tone and volume.

An example of personalization occurs when Starbucks sends messages to people who drink fat-free coffee with milk only when the company launches new low-calorie products. In other words, offering exceptional service means remembering that, even though cash is changing hands, money isn't the most important part of the transaction. According to the writer, they then helped his mother choose the appropriate items and delivered them to her in less than an hour. Learn how you can use customer success as a starting point to create value for your customers and improve the ROI of the customer experience.

For them, it wasn't as simple as they expected at first, and the complexity of the CRM seemed overwhelming. Even when a customer is upset or behaves immaturely, it's up to you to resolve the situation, if possible, and do everything you can to represent your brand in a positive way. You also present your brand in a professional manner, increasing the chances of them coming back, even if their needs can't be met right away.