How Can Managers Influence Employee Performance?

Managers have a great influence on employee performance. Learn how managers can identify underperforming issues, foster two-way communication, measure employee performance, create an open environment, use Weekly10 log, review employee records, empower & motivate te

How Can Managers Influence Employee Performance?

Managers have a great impact on employee performance. It is their responsibility to understand how their employees feel and perform, and to provide feedback that makes a lasting difference. To improve employee performance, managers must identify any underperforming issues and compare them to the skills of their employees. They must also foster two-way communication to create a positive work environment, set clear objectives and achievable milestones, and effectively empower employees to stimulate growth and achieve successful productivity and performance. Smart managers will turn the organization's plans and objectives into reality by positively influencing employee behavior.

Measuring employee performance can help managers identify any potential flaws in their employee training program and guide them on how they can improve. Managers need to consider how they treat employees, listen, pay attention and give feedback so that employees perform better. It is essential for managers to create an environment where employees can talk openly about their work and how they feel. They should also recognize the excellence of their teams, as the results achieved are the result of their ability to efficiently develop and manage the powerful force of human capacity. Comparatively few employees have a close relationship with their human resources team, unlike what they usually do with their manager. The regular cadence and framework of the Weekly10 log helps managers understand the motivations of their employees, build trust, and offer feedback that makes a lasting difference.

Reviewing employee records tells your employees that their work is important, showing them that you value their contribution. If employees don't receive any training after their first few weeks on the job, they'll feel that the company isn't investing in their development. A manager who empowers, motivates, reassures, trains, and rewards his team for a job well done is likely to lead a strong group of people whose loyalty and commitment to work increase the team's strength. This could make the influence of managers on employee engagement one of their organization's greatest strengths. An employee has to perform at the expected level and should always strive to meet the expectations of their employer. Only 18% of managers have the right skills and personality to succeed as managers, so it is important for companies to promote the right management candidate for the position.

Ultimately, it is up to managers to ensure that employees feel motivated and are able to reach their full potential.