10 Common Mistakes New Managers Make and How to Avoid Them

Managing people can be a complicated task. Learn about 10 common mistakes new managers make & how to avoid them.

10 Common Mistakes New Managers Make and How to Avoid Them

Managing people can be a complicated task. We are all different, with different learning styles and motivators, so it's far from being an exact science. Unfortunately, many managers arrive at the position with little or no management training. According to 1,400 executives surveyed by The Ken Blanchard Companies, not providing feedback is the most common mistake leaders make.

When you don't provide timely feedback to your employees, you're depriving them of the opportunity to improve their performance. Recognizing problems and errors and being proactive in correcting them is the best course of action. Managers must set tasks, identify priorities, and be consistent in making employees meet a specific standard. Knowing what is happening in employees' lives can help managers to anticipate calls and other problems, and to make reasonable adjustments when necessary so that employees can perform to their full potential. New managers are often faced with the challenge of leading friends and former colleagues who try to take advantage of their relationship to receive special treatment. Despite these difficulties, good staff management is critical to the success of any company with employees.

The following are some of the most common mistakes that are made when managing people, along with some tips on how to avoid them. A member of the team is late or disrespectful to another person and the new manager thinks, “Oh, wow, that wasn't right.” Some managers make the mistake of walking away from problems in the hope that they will resolve themselves. Managers should strive to really listen to what employees are saying and respond promptly to suggestions. The good news is that, with a little training and focused effort, you can avoid these common mistakes that new managers make. Many new managers don't receive the training or skills they need to be effective, lead their teams and achieve significant results. This can make it difficult to separate the working relationship from the friendship, which sometimes causes an imbalance in which employees don't respect managers' authority or managers' don't respect employee boundaries. These ten common mistakes that new managers make are also opportunities to distinguish themselves and build a strong foundation for an incredible leadership career.

By understanding these mistakes and taking steps to avoid them, new managers can set themselves up for success.